Stop! Or, Not To Stop: 3 Brake Repair Questions To Ask Before Test Driving Your Tractor Restoration Project
Before you get into your restoration project to see if a new upgrade is working as it should, check the brakes. Many accidents are caused with restoration projects because small brake problems get overlooked before a test drive. To make sure you and your project tractor are safe, here are a few questions to ask yourself about the brakes before you take a test drive:
1. Do the Brakes Have Material Left on The Pads and Are the Calipers Working?
Brakes have special shoes with a material on it that reduces friction as the brakes are applied. When the shoes become worn, they need to be replaced. In older tractors, you want to check the pads for disks or shoes for drums. In addition, make sure that calipers are working or that the springs on drum brakes are correctly adjusted. Replacing the pads and doing essential brake maintenance can ensure that brakes in older tractors last with few repair needs.
2. Have You Inspected the Brake Lines in a Tractor That Has Been Sitting?
Tractors that have been sitting for too long are subject to many problems, including corrosion of the brake lines. In older tractors, it is important that you always inspect the condition of brake lines and replace them if you notice corrosion or leaks. After you have changed the pads, inspect the lines before you bleed the brakes and replace any damaged lines. In addition, check and make sure that all the lines are correctly fastened and not loose where they can easily be damaged.
3. Do the Brakes Have Good Response When You Step on The Pedal?
The last step in your work on the brakes is bleeding them, which is the process of removing air from the lines. When the brakes are properly bled, you should feel resistance when you apply pressure to the brake pedal. If you bleed the brakes and do not have resistance on the pedal, then it is likely that you need brake fluid or there is a problem with the master cylinder of your tractor's brake system. In an older tractor, the rubber seals and gaskets inside the brake cylinder can be bad and it may be best to complete replace the part.
These are a few questions you want to ask yourself about the brake system before you take a test drive. Contact an agriculture equipment service to help with repairs and improvements to your brake to ensure you can stop when you go for a test drive.
For more information, you will want to contact a company such as Big Springs Equipment.